I was definitely nervous as the day approached. Would my newly 2 year old be okay with the big horses? How would he react? Would the kids have fun?

Kate from the ranch sent us a map and stayed in touch and soon the day was here. Three cars filled with kids headed as a caravan down the highway for a trip to a ranch. I have to admit here that I was picturing a ranch with a big wooden gate like the ones I see on my way to Seeley. I expected to show up and find a manicured lawn with a log cabin visitors center or something, so when we pulled in through the gate and found ourselves at a (log!) farmhouse surrounded by (gasp!) farm and ranch equipment I had to do a self double check.
My family is deeply Montanan. We brag about our seven generations here and are quick to doubt Californians, but I discovered, that somewhere, somehow, living in a small city like Missoula, I'd lost my perspective.

The ranch was beautiful and authentic. The family that owns it was nothing but fantastically sweet and nice and welcoming. They love their animals deeply and clearly care about both the animals and the land. They showed us a fantastic time, taking the kids on a long ride out into the field and going at preschool pace. They let the kids play in the creek and chase the goats. They expected us to watch our children around the animals and were not there to entertain us. The ranch was entertainment enough for the children.
After the goats, while the children waited their turn for horse rides, they frolicked in the side yard playing with frogs and kittens. No one was ever bored.

After horse rides, we had lunch and birthday treats inside a bug-net gazebo set in the front yard they had set up. After lunch, the children were given a second chance to pet the horses up close and go for another ride.
My children had a wonderful time and I had a wonderful time. We are already trying to think of ways to go back. I encourage you all to check out their program. Enjoy these snapshots and then contact them for a visit yourself.
e-mail horseshare4kidssakekh1969@yahoo.com, call (406) 288-3430 or write to “Horse Share For Kids’ Sake,” Kate Hansen, director, 472 Mullan Trail, Gold Creek, MT 59733.
The perpective I gained from getting an authentic ranch experience isn't going away anytime soon and I think everyone who eats meat should find a way to visit. Adam hasn't stopped talking about riding a "Big Mama Horse!" and I have a renewed committment to local food and open spaces. Thanks LH Ranch for a birthday experience and lasting impression.

It is too bad that the LH Ranch is ran by a bunch of racist bigots. Kathleen Hansen, the self proclaimed Kids Program Director and Horse Trainer for LH Ranch has said quote, " It's amazing how many idiots support that worthless rag-headed, traitorous POS over our own country !! WOW !!!!!!!!!!!" when talking about President Obama. What a great way to represent your ranch! https://www.facebook.com/Q2News/photos/a.77190934981.20217.31651194981/10150593852349982/?type=3&theater
ReplyDeleteIt is too bad that the LH Ranch is ran by a bunch of racist bigots. Kathleen Hansen, the self proclaimed Kids Program Director and Horse Trainer for LH Ranch has said quote, " It's amazing how many idiots support that worthless rag-headed, traitorous POS over our own country !! WOW !!!!!!!!!!!" when talking about President Obama. What a great way to represent your ranch! https://www.facebook.com/Q2News/photos/a.77190934981.20217.31651194981/10150593852349982/?type=3&theater